Terme del Lacus

Lacus therms
It is, at the moment, the last site open to the public, in summer 2020: a spa facility built inside a
large domus, full of mosaic and marble floors, all characterized by a lively polychromy.
In fact, we can find different geometries, square, hexagonal, octagonal, made with pink, red,
green, gray tiles, which characterized the mosaic floors of the main rooms of the baths, its tubs
for hot baths, and above all the apsidal rooms that were be open with large windows towards the
lacus baianus.
But not only: in the Terme del Lacus it is possible to understand how the effects of bradyseism
were already beginning to be seen in Roman times. In fact, large columns were positioned
horizontally along the edge of the lacus to protect the rooms of this domus and prevent water
from entering. In the same way, the internal floors have been raised, which in fact are
superimposed on several levels.
The phenomenon did not stop, and everything was submerged: today these remains are located
four meters deep, where human life has stopped and many furnishings such as columns, tables,
have been abandoned by men, transforming themselves into a residence for flora and fauna at the
same time. Marine life.